Chicago Run Banner - Virtual Program.jpg

Chicago Run provides young people with innovative and inclusive running and fitness programs – from Pre-K through high school and beyond. We believe that running and fitness are critical to the physical and mental health of our communities – now, more than ever.

In spring 2020, in response to school closures due to COVID-19, we created a new virtual spring program. This program provided families and youth with resources to help them remain healthy and active during these challenging times. This FREE 6-week virtual program focused on progressively improving physical fitness with daily activities that youth and families can participate in at home and with no equipment.


Program components:

  • A curriculum with the framework to build up from 20 minutes to 60 minutes of exercise a day.

  • Weekly newsletters with daily activities including games, strength training, running/walking form and technique tips, and self-reflection and family discussion questions.

  • Weekly virtual meetups and access to a private Facebook group to stay connected with all participants.

  • Variations of activities for all ages.

  • Participation in our virtual community celebration, Chicago Run As One - more details about this coming soon.
